Tuition is based on the total yearly cost for classes and is due on the 1st of each month. All tuition payments will be automatically debited from your credit card or checking account. A $10 late fee will be applied for all tuition payments not paid by the 10th of the month due to expired/invalid credit cards or insufficient checking account funds. There will be no reduction in tuition for months with holidays or due to illness. In the case of an extended illness, please call the studio to make special arrangements. Tuition is non-refundable. If your balance is not paid in full by June of the current recital year (including late fees if applicable), your child will not be eligible to perform in the Recital.
There is an annual, non-refundable registration fee per family. First and last month’s tuition, along with registration fee, is due at the time of registration.
Online Access to Studio Accounts
Monthly statements will be emailed to each family at the beginning of the month. Please ensure that you have provided a valid parent email address during the registration process. Each family will able to register and view accounts online through The Studio Director software, using the email address provided as the account login I.D.
June Recitals
Our recitals are held in downtown Houston at the Wortham Center, in the Cullen Theater. Recital contracts are handed out in the fall and participation is optional. Recital contracts give the current year’s pricing for costume and recital fees which are all non-refundable. Payments must be made in full by the required dates or costumes will not be ordered and the student forfeits his/her opportunity to perform in the recital.
Amy Blake’s Academy of Dance reserves the right to cancel a class if it does not meet the minimum of 5 students. If a class is cancelled due to enrollment or other reasons, every effort will be made to place students in another class. A Parent/Guardian must provide written notice of dropping or quitting by the 1st day of the last month of classes in order to apply the pre-paid tuition to that month.
Uniform Requirements
Students are expected to wear the proper uniform required for their class. Uniform requirements are listed on the associated curriculum pages. All students must also have their hair up securely for class. A bun is required for all levels of ballet, while a ponytail is acceptable for all levels of other classes. No jewelry is to be worn in class for safety purposes. All students should wear cover-ups to and from the studio. Please write student’s name in all dancewear and shoes. All uniform requirements below are strictly enforced for each season and are the requirements for class and recital. Please conform to this studio policy, as it is important to develop a clean and structured environment in which to enhance the discipline of dance. All items can be purchased at Backstage Dancewear.
Backstage Dancewear and Gifts
Hwy 3 and Medical Center Blvd, Webster, Texas
Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up
Teachers will dismiss students from class for parents to pick up in the lobby. Students are not to wait outside of the studio for parent pick-up. Parents are encouraged to come into the studio or use the circle drive to retrieve their child. The studio is not responsible for students waiting outside the studio.
In case of extreme weather conditions please call before coming to class. If Friendswood and Clear Creek Independent School Districts are closed due to weather, we will be closed also.
Code of Conduct
Amy Blake’s Academy of Dance seeks to provide a positive and functional environment. At ABAD, we encourage development of dance skills as well as good character by developing leadership skills, sportsmanship and a good work ethic in each student. For that reason, the following Code of Conduct has been adopted:
1. Students will maintain a positive attitude at all times during classes, competitions, rehearsals, recitals and all other events attended with ABAD.
2. Students will not be late to classes, rehearsals, or any other events/performances.
3. Students will arrive to classes/rehearsals in proper uniform and hair.
4. Students will be responsible for their own costume, attire, shoes, accessories, etc. Parents should write the student’s name in all dancewear and shoes. ABAD will not be responsible for any items that are lost or stolen.
5. Parents will notify the Director in writing of any anticipated absence and the reason for such absence.
6. Cell phones must be turned off or on silent and remain in dance bags until the student is dismissed from class. Parents are requested to silence their cell phones while in the studio and to go outside to take any necessary phone calls.
7. Parents and students must treat other dancers, other parents, Director, choreographers, teachers and all ABAD employees and agents in a respectful and professional manner at all times, both in and out of the studio. Parents and students must refrain from gossiping, and must not post anything on the internet or social media websites (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc) that could be harmful to other dancers affiliated with ABAD, other dance companies, or ABAD, its Director or employees. Parents agree to monitor their student’s use of the internet and social media to ensure compliance with this rule.
8. Parents may make an appointment with the Director at any time to discuss their child’s progress. Discussion of the progress of other students is prohibited.
9. Parents will not attempt to override Director’s decisions or authority at recitals, rehearsals, conventions, competitions, or any other event; or in regard to placement, costumes or choreography. All students and parents respect the Director’s final say in all artistic and professional decisions.
10. Students will continually work to improve as a dancer and understand the art of dance.
A parent may terminate their agreement with ABAD upon providing written notice of termination to ABAD at least 30 days in advance. The Director may terminate an agreement with a student immediately in the event that the Director determines, in her sole and absolute discretion, that the Parent or Student has violated any term or obligation set forth in the Financial Agreement. Upon termination by either party, no refunds will be given for any charges paid up to the date of termination, including but not limited to, program fees, competition/convention fees, rehearsal time, choreography fees, costumes, class tuition, and any other expenses. Parent will remain obligated for, and agrees to pay, any past due tuition, fees, costumes, expenses, etc.
Liability Waiver
Parents understand and recognize there are risks and hazards inherent in dance, dance performances, gymnastics, acrobatics, and stunts as may be required of their students, and that such risks include personal injury or even death. Parents voluntarily release ABAD and waive any liability against its owners, directors, instructors and employees (“released parties”) from any and all claims, liability, or causes of action that they may have against the released parties arising out of or related to any loss, damage to persons or property, injury or death, including any medical expenses incurred by parent or student, while participating in ABAD dance classes or any activities related to or provided by ABAD.